It is a beautiful ritual for women to come together, treat ourselves with scrubs, facemasks and flowerbaths. It is healing for us women to be around only women in a ceremonial setting. The female energy at work creating a safe space for each other is powerful and nurturing. We are the ones, born with the ability to grow life again. Let’s make more time to honor the goddess in yourself. Let’s spend more time with other women to celebrate the goddess in them. This recipe was created for my goddess and daughter Zya. Be invited to prepare the bath for yourself, your daughter and other women that deserve your care and love.
The idea of flower baths is romantic, most of all bath rituals are great for physical and energetic healing. My daughter was going through some big transformation. Three of her final teeth were making their way, with fever and all that. The teething is so precious to witness. They develop so quickly and grow so fast.
With teething problems it is helpful to use homeopathic medicine of Chamomile D4, which babies can take without side effects. Chamomile tea and a necklace with Amber stone can also relief the pain. The golden liquid and cuddles are just as important in times of teething.
I wanted to make Zya a medicine bath, with herbs to calm and heal the skin and also calm the mind. So there a flower bath is created and a real girl-spa happened.
3 ladles of oats
6 spoons of dried marigold
6 spoons of dried chamomile
6 drops of essential oil of lavender
1 cup of organic apple cider vinegar
1 spoon of St. John’s Worth Oil
I boiled a big pot of water with the oats, so it becomes a very milky soup. Wait till the water gets under 90 degrees celsius to put the marigold and chamomile and leave it for another 15 minutes. Then you can fill up the bath with water and the flowered milky oats. Add a cup of apple cider vinegar to the bath, with the St. John’s Worth oil (any other oil like coconut oil is also fine). Last but not least but some drops of Lavender essential oil.
It is now time to experience this soft and flowery fairy bath. Do not wash off the herbs in the shower. I would suggest this as a perfect bath before going to bed.